Sabadell - A Casa
Sabadell - Casa de Pepe
i Marta
Sabadell - Pepe's Birthday
Barcelona - Plaça
St Jaume
Barcelona - Plaça
Barcelona - Ramblas
Barcelona - Parc Guell
Sabadell - La Llar
Barcelona - Camp Nou
Sabadell - Noemí
Cerdanyola - Casa
Cerdanyola - Casa Andreu
Sabadell - Victor Colomer
Badalona - Casa Kiko
Petra Arrives
Barcelona - Montjuich
Barcelona - Surprise Dinner
- Boys Birthday
Barcelona - Casa Andreus
Sabadell - Farewells
apparently were in Spain, or more importantly in Barcelona, during the
festival of "La Mercé" The patron saint of Barcelona.
Kiko, with printed out schedules and subway times in tow, and an agenda
for the entire day, early morning until late at night insisted and was
determined that we were to experience all the flavor of the festivties.
First, we went to see sardanas, the typical dance of Catalunya. Next was
Plaça San Jaume, where the town hall of Catalunya is located and
where we got to see Castellers (people forming man made towers). They
have competitions with these castellers and each one had something different
than the other to offer.

We got to see many
Castellers this day!
Xerraire with Pepote

Kiko and Marta
Montse and Pepe

Laura with her "Mr Kiko"
They were chummy before they
ever met in person!