Sabadell - A Casa
Sabadell - Casa de Pepe
i Marta
Sabadell - Pepe's Birthday
Barcelona - Plaça
St Jaume
Barcelona - Plaça
Barcelona - Ramblas
Barcelona - Parc Guell
Sabadell - La Llar
Barcelona - Camp Nou
Sabadell - Noemí
Cerdanyola - Casa
Cerdanyola - Casa Andreu
Sabadell - Victor Colomer
Badalona - Casa Kiko
Petra Arrives
Barcelona - Montjuich
Barcelona - Surprise Dinner
- Boys Birthday
Barcelona - Casa Andreus
Sabadell - Farewells

had to come. Good things always end. The time came for our final night
in Spain. Some of our new friends stopped in...Amazing, in such a short
time how close we became. Kiko and Montse arrived with presents for the
children...and enough cosmetics for me to last a lifetime. I haven't yet
decided if they think I look old for my age, or if they like my looks
so much, they wish me to preserve them. (hehe) Marta and Pepe.....Antonio
and Mariluz...all stopped in. Good byes were tearful, promising to stay
in touch, call, and return visits.
Kiko and Laura really bonded. Here he gives her a book, "Where's

The book was a real crowd pleaser.

All look on...knowing new friendships have been deeply formed...and
separation was just something physical.
Mariluz gives us lessons on how to hold the castenets as Antonio
looks on.

think I will reflect on this trip for years to come. Petra said it best
the night of the surprise dinner...."Look what you've done, Barb"
I wasn't aware I had done anything. She continued, "Because of
you, one person, you have brought an entire group of people together,
scattered from all over Spain, me and Leoni from Holland...and its like
we have all always known each other. Only YOU could do something like
that." I am not so sure, but Petra has known me a long time, and
lived with me, and seen my genuine love to be with others. Perhaps she
had a point, in all my goofyness, I did manage to bring a group of people
together, that otherwise never would have known one another...and its
been a good thiing for all!
lot has changed since this trip, we are in contact with most of the
people, by e-mail or by phone. Marta and Pepe came to our home one summer
and stayed, so we could repay some of the hospitality they had shown
us. Some goodbyes were so hard. Gatet (Kiko) and Xerraire in tears,
at the airport (He gave us a lift there)....Hugging Marta so tight in
Sabadell, never wishing to let go. And of course, good byes to my in-laws,
seeing them once again separate from the grandchildren...there are times
I curse the width of the Atlantic...its always separating me from who
I love.
Farewell, fins aviat.