Last updated
August 19, 2004,7:00 PM EDT

August Edition
to My Newsletter!
new! Always something new.
My Friday night bowling sessions are finally paying off! (Remember those Petra?)
I am now employed full time for Bowling
Ball Mall.com
Owned by Pat and Anne
Marie Duggan, a woman's accomplished pro-bowler. My responsibilies are numerous,
basically I am in training now, but Pat says I am catching on fast.
Aside from managing the Bowling site, I also moved my art work on the web.
Tired from the constant html needed for updating my art works, I decided on
a new domain and hosting, one that would allow me to use .php, and now my artwork
will get updated more regularly. Please have a look at XerraireArt.com!
Another exciting month: One, I got to meet my future daughter-in-law, and Miquel
went to States competition, and played very well!
Read Below!
Fresh in from her missions trip to Mexico, where she cared for local orphans,
Miranda came to Maryland, before heading home to Wisconsin. Enric brought
his lovely Miranda to meet us. I prepared a humble Spanish meal, - Tortilla
de patatas and a typical Catalán fare, 'pa amb tomaquet' (bread with
tomato). She doesn't like salads but she loves cheesecake, I later found out!

After lunch, I dug out Enric's baby book. Enric and Miranda had a few laughs
over that, and we then watched Enric's last sermon on video, as well as watching
home movies when he was like 9 or so years old. Enric wasn't too embarassed,
he took it all very well. In fact, he expected me to drag out all the memories
to share with Miranda.
Soon, both Enric and Miranda will return to school, where they are both studying
at Northland Baptist Bible College in Wisconsin.
- Runner Up at "States"
When an entire state assembles its best, you know the competition is going
to be tough. From Saturday to the next Wednesday, everyone played and the spectators
watched, under the hazy, hot, threatening skies at McDonogh High School, where
the likes of pro Pam Shriver once played. Only one day truly rained out though.
Miquel played one match after another, winning, and getting stronger and more
confident with each match.
It went like this:
Miquel Lopez d. Felix Hong 6-0; 6-3
Miquel Lopez d. (5) Aaron Hopkins 6-4; 6-1
Miquel Lopez d. Hayden White 6-2; 6-1
Quarterfinals: Miquel Lopez d. (3) Michael Hsu 6-0; 6-2
Semifinals: Miquel Lopez d. (2) Ben Fass 6-1; 7-5
The finals, tired and exhausted and achy from grueling competition, and meeting
his friend Timmy from where they play at Churchville, Miquel lost to a very
consistant and experienced player.
1) Timothy Lozinak d. Miquel Lopez 6-1; 6-3
Miquel went on to win though, the finals in Mixed Doubles.
I mentioned earlier in the newsletter, I moved my section of art from xerraire.com
to another hosting and got a domain from them too!
Thirty minutes later, I was already to go!
The service is fast and as soon as the domain was able, I was designing
my site with the files quickly uploaded and the database in place!
This has been a great service. I recommend it highly!!! |
is one of the most trusted, reputable Web hosting companies on the internet.
They offer the best price/service ratio on the planet! Theirr Web hosting
package includes 1,000 MB storage, 5 GB/Day Transfer (not Month!), 10 FTP,
Cgi-Bin, 650 POP3, Online Community, Control Panel, Web based Mail, SSL,
PHP3, MySQL, 30-day money back guarantee, and more! At only $7.77/ month,
prices are extremely competitive!
in One" Web Hosting! - $7.77/month!

Finds on the Net!
Hatchery - An account of having found a teeny hummingbirds nest, only
1.5 inches in diameter, and took photos for the next 24 days from birth to
flight. One of the images has a toothpick there so you can really get an idea
at how small that nest really is! Be sure to click NEXT PAGE at the bottom
to see it all!
Drawing Board - andmarker!
Part of General Electric's "imagination at work" site, which is also an awesome
flash site.
- Here's and interesting word site. You can track the popularity/usage of
86,800 words.