Last updated
February 12, 2004,7:00 PM EDT

February Edition
to My Newsletter!
new! Well the Xerraire "empire" is growing.
I just added another website to my list of those I own. Not very enchanted
with updating MXskinz by hand any longer, I decided to try another way. I purchased
and put up SkinsGallery.com
so that members could upload their skins themselves, saving me a lot of work
in the updates, and freeing my time for other parts of MXskinz. Visit
Skins Gallery!
Love is in the air, and just in time for Valentine's Day. My son just called
me today to tell me he officially seeing someone at Northland. Her name is
Miranda, and I talked with her today on the phone, and she sounds very sweet.
And now they are both
likely mortified I have just announced it on the world wide web. Moms can be
so wicked!
On a serious note, Enric has devoted some of his college time to a prison ministry
which he explained as a very interesting experience, and he is so glad he got
the chance to do so. Enric also took the tough job as extension leader ministry
for his group.Miranda is scheduled on a mission trip to Mexico this summer.
would like to know where I was when the Jeff HealyBand came on the scene!
I love, live, breath
and eat music and I had never heard of this group! Just recently made known
to me, (thanks, John), I can't stop listening to this great blues band, which
has a style of their own, but could also be compared to that of Stevie Ray
Jeff Healy, blind from eye cancer since age one, and picked up his first guitar
at age three, started playing with the instrument in his lap and it has now
become his trademark.
My personal favorites are: See the Light, Angel Eyes, Blue Jean Blues, their
version of While My Guitar Gently Weeps, Cruel Little Number, My Kind of Lover...oh,
I just like them all! If you get a chance, you have to grab some of his music!
Jeff Healy Band
Recommends Corner 
My Corkboard
your PC with the award-winning MyCorkboard screen saver! Pick from hundreds
of drag-and-drop items to create your own personal design. Add clocks, photos,
calendars, sticky notes, to do lists, name plates, phone dialers, animated
pets and dozens of amazing gizmos.
Visit My Corkboard
Click on the thumb for
a larger view.

Finds on the Net!
Ceiling - This is a site about one of my favorite subjects, skies! Have
a look, its just loaded with breathtaking skies, clouds, night skies, sunsets,
and sunrises.I put
a few of my own in their gallery, too! See mine HERE
Paintings - These
are all drawings done on sidewalks...so keep in mind the surfaces are FLAT,
but they sure don't look it!