Last updatedNovember
25, 2003,12:00 PM EDT

November Edition
to My Newsletter!
new! Unique Exposures.com has finally been launched! Now
there is a place to go to upload, share and have others comment and rate your
own photography! This new site has been a real treat for me to work on, and
once it is set up, the updates are virtually effortless. I am getting great
feedback on the site, one person admitted to it being 'addictive'!
Have a prized photo you always thought was very good and never really had a
place to show it off? Now's your chance! Log on, become a member and join the
rest of us at: UniqueExposures.com
turns 10
Laura finally arrived to her long awaited
"double digit" birthday! Turning ten meant so much to her, as her
big brother promised that once you reach 'double digits' you are no longer
a 'kid'. This thought has pleased Laura since she was abour 4!
Much like Miquel had, Laura had a sleepover birthday party that
turned into a weekend long event. Susie and Shelby spent the night, and then
Shelby remained well into Monday. Activities ranged from Nintendo, long chess
matches, cake, presents, a visit to Jerusalem Mill, all nighters, movie watching,
and breaking out into song of "Looking for Love in All the Wrong Places"
I don't know where that came from, but it was definately the theme of the birthday
weekend. Everyone had a great time.
first of November surprised us with warm weather, an Indian summer's type
day, and we finally went to a long awaited trip to the Baltimore
Zoo. It had been a few years since a friend and I took our sons to the
zoo in Baltimore, and as a family our last trip to any zoo was to the National
Zoo in Washington DC.
I was especially excited to take my new camera with 6x optical zoom, but was
met with a few challenges. For one thing, the animals don't "pose"
and another thing, the bars and cages they are put behind make it difficult
to get a good shot. Still, I post my efforts here » Xerraire's
Day at the Baltimore Zoo
Xerraire Recommends
by Bill Bryson - "A Walk in the Woods"


Finds on the Net!
Mill - One of my favorite places to hike! The over 230-year old Jerusalem
Mill was once the centerpiece of the thriving Quaker settlement of Jerusalem
in the 18th and 19th centuries. It is located on the northeast bank of the
Little Gunpowder Falls, in Harford County, Maryland.
Cards by Xerraire - Many
know (and have received) a handpainted card by me at Christmastime.
I've been told countless times
I should market them. I really can't be bothered with the printers, shipping
and hassle...but ZAZZLE took care of that for me!The image gallery is just
getting started, but for how have a look at Xerraire's Cards!