little about me...
Hi, my name is Barb, more on my nickname "Xerraire"
I live in Maryland, USA.
I do web and graphic design. I love music, art, reading,
cooking, photography, nature, hiking, practicing
what is left of my Spanish, and I love to explore
new things.
I have such a wide range of interests I can't possibly
keep up with them all. Perhaps this is one reason
I like homeschooling, it keeps me constantly educated
and updated and broadens my horizons and feeds my
constant craving for more knowledge. I love to learn.
I like travel. I have
lived in Spain, visited
Netherlands, France,
Belgium, Switzerland,
and Iceland. Recently
I took my daughter to
Australia!I also like
short day trip outings
and exploring my surroundings.
My Children...
Miranda, Silas &
Graduates of Northland
Baptist Bible college.
Silas and Baby Rubí!

A handful since the moment he was born, this energetic
dynamo likes Sports, Music (he's in a band, Embers
For Ashes) and he works full time at CVS.
A bright and clever girl also likes to take photos
with her new Nikon, has fun on her laptop, plays
soccer,likes swimming, going to the mall, and staying
very busy with her friends.